1. Name
The Name of the Organisation is the North East Kitesurf Club, to be referred to as the NEKC from here on.
2. The Area of Benefit
The area of benefit will cover the coastline of Northumberland and North Tyneside.
3. Aims
The aims of the Organisation are:
o To be a representative body and point of contact for the sport of kitesurfing and land-based powerkiting in the area of benefit outlined above.
o To facilitate continued access to beaches for these activities by encouraging the safe practice of the sport and ensuring that bans and restrictions to access are observed.
o To promote the safety of our members and the general public through education and ensuring that every member has third party liability insurance as provided by the British Kite Surfing Association (BKSA).
o To provide a social agenda for club members to meet up and share knowledge and experience.
4. Powers
In order to achieve its aims the NEKC has the power to:
1. Co-operate with other organisations such as local groups, voluntary bodies, charities and the statutory authorities and also to exchange information and advice with them;
2. Raise funds by any lawful means except permanent trading;
3. Accept gifts either for a specific purpose connected with the Aims or for the general Aims
4. Do anything else within the law that is necessary in carrying out the Aims.
5. Employ and pay staff (who cannot be members of the Committee)
5. Equal Opportunities
The organisation in all conduct of its affairs prohibits discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, gender, age, sexuality, disability or religion.
6. Membership
1. Membership is open to anyone who wishes to engage in the activities supported by the club in the area of benefit.
2. Members must support the Aims and follow the NEKC Code of Conduct
3. Everyone accepted into membership must pay any annual subscription, which the Committee has set for the year in question. Subscriptions must be paid when signing up for the BKSA membership.
4. Members must have a valid BKSA membership
5. Every member has one vote at General meetings.
6. A member may resign their membership at any time
7. The Committee has the right to terminate the membership of any member for good and sufficient reason but the member has the right to put their case to a Committee meeting before a final decision is made.
8. The Committee can decide to have non-voting categories of membership including junior membership, associate membership and honorary membership, and set the subscriptions payable (if any).
9. The Committee must keep a list of members.
7. Members Meetings
1. An Annual General Meeting, of which 21 days public notice must be given, will be held in each calendar year to deal with the following business:
1. Receive the Committee’s report and accounts for the previous Year.
2. Elect the Committee for the following year;
3. Deal with any other matter which the Committee or members wish to raise.
2. A Special General Meeting of all members can be held at any time if called by the Committee or if at least two thirds of the members ask the Committee to arrange such a meeting. 21 days notice must be given to members of such a meeting.
3. The Chairperson of the Committee or in their absence some other person elected by the meeting takes the Chair at General Meetings.
8. Management Committee
1. The Committee is the body responsible for the management of the
NEKC. It will meet as required but no less than 4 times a year.
b) The Committee consists of a minimum of three and a maximum of 8 members of the NEKC
(c) The members of the Committee are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and normally hold office until the end of the Annual General Meeting the following year
4. Candidates for election to the Committee must be nominated and seconded in writing by members of the Organisation and must give their written consent to stand for election. Nominations must be received by the Committee a clear 7 days before the Annual General Meeting.
5. A member of the Committee must give the Chairperson notice of their intention to resign by email
6. If anyone resigns from the Committee during the year the Committee has the power to fill the vacancy by co-option; a co-opted member has the same voting powers and will hold the office for the same period as the Committee member replaced
7. The Committee can appoint Sub-Committees to carry out specific tasks but the Sub-Committee must always report back to the Committee as soon as possible.
8. The Committee must keep minutes of its meetings and proceedings and keep safe all records relating to the organisation.
9. Quorum
a) No decision may be taken at Committee meetings unless at least six members are present.
b) No decision may be taken at a General Meeting unless two thirds of the members are present. If two thirds of the members are not present then the meeting may adjourned for at least 14 days and the number present at the adjourned meeting if at least three will mean that the meeting can make decisions.
10. Voting
Every question at General Meeting or Committee Meeting is decided by a majority of the votes cast by the members present. In the case of equality of votes the Chairperson of the meeting has a second or casting vote.
11. Finance
1. All funds belonging to or raised for the NEKC must be paid directly into an account operated by, and in the name of, the NEKC at a bank or building society.
2. The financial year runs from 1st November to the 31st October.
3. All cheques drawn on the account must be signed by two authorised signatories. The signatories on each cheque should not be related to each other or live in the same household.
4. No members of the Committee can be employed by the NEKC or receive any payment or other benefit from its funds except for reasonable out of pocket expenses properly incurred for the purpose of the NEKC.
5. All funds belonging to the NEKC can only be used in furthering the Aims.
12. Amendment of Constitution
This Constitution can be amended at a General meeting if agreed by at least two thirds of the members present and voting.
No changes can be made to:
1. Clause 3 (The Aims) if they make the objectives of the NEKC Uncharitable.
2. Clause 13 (The Dissolution Clause).
13. Dissolution
1. If the Committee decides at any time that it is necessary to dissolve the NEKC it must call a Meeting of all members.
2. If two-thirds of the members present vote in favour of dissolving the NEKC the Committee has the power to wind up the affairs of the NEKC.
3. In the event of dissolution, the members of the Committee holding office will remain responsible for the orderly winding up of the affairs of the NEKC.
4. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of proper debts and liabilities must be transferred to one, or a number of, voluntary organisations or registered charities with charitable Aims similar to those of the NEKC.